Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Greed Is Ruining PRIDE- Multi-Post Commentary about the Bad Side of Pride

From the Desk of King in Miami
Follow me on Twitter During Memorial Weekend for the Latest Hot Spots and Things to Do- www.twitter.com/shortfuseguy

Before I get started I wanted to state that the opinions expressed in this article are solely mine, and not the views of AndresFlava or Mr. Andre Allen, himself.

My peers and associates have hard-pressed me to comment on this particular subject after a disastrous Summer Pride season last year. After a lot of persuasion I decided to go ahead and take on the subject of how greed is ruining pride. And I not talking about Sizzle exclusively, however it is not excluded from this conversation, but other Prides as well, Black and non-Black alike. I will be posting my thoughts on the subject each day for the next few days. I will also include events, clubs, parties, and a Memorial Day Guide to Miami along side my thoughts, so keep up. I am going to give it to you fast and ruff and without the fluff. LOL.

Let’s back up a year and recant some of the problems with Pride season 2008. Do we all recall the uproar Daryl Wilson’s DC antics caused, last year during Memorial Day? Let me get you up to speed if you missed it (http://queerkidofcolor.wordpress.com/2008/05/27/darryl-stephens-is-madagain-dc-pride/) Long story short, Daryl Wilson scheduled Noah’s Arc’s Darryl Stephens to appear at one of his highly promoted and over-priced Pride events. Needless to say, Mr. Wilson either cancelled or never confirmed (the story is very sketchy depending on who is telling it) with Darryl Stephens. So, at the end of the day there were a lot of people upset including Darryl Stephens, expecting to see a celebrity and not getting what they paid for. But according to my DC sources this is not the first time Daryl Wilson has been accused of some shisty stuff. With all these P.R. disasters, Daryl Wilson has paid with his reputation being tarnished, and this years’ events being lackluster. If you have only been paying attention to what has been happening in Sizzleland, you may have missed that there is another Memorial Day event happening in Washington, D.C. And my predication is that Daryl Wilson will have problems next weekend with other promoters (Omega party, K&C Productions, Inferno Party, etc); all moving in on his home turf. All have events planned for Memorial Weekend, which will definitely disperse the party crowd. Daryl Wilson is no longer the only game and worthwhile party. When you treat people any kind of way, guess what, there will EVENTUALLY be another game in town. People will get tired of the crap and look for other places to party and spend their money. We will see how D.C.’s Memorial Day weekend festivities turn out. I know my boi from Connecticut will keep us posted.

Look out for the part 2 of this article tommorrow…

Partyin’ in D.C. for Memorial Day? AndresFlava has got ya covered!

Omega Party- Omegapartydc.com (Thur, Sat & Sunday events)

K&C Productions- Myspace.com/sugafreesundays (Friday,Sunday,Monday events)

Inferno Party at Mirrors Nightclub- Dcblackpride.org (Saturday night)

Bachelor's Mill-(Thebachelorsmill.com)

Delta Nightclub-Deltaelite.net (Saturday Nights)

Fireplace Bar (Fireplacedc.com)

Daryl Wilson’s Memorial Day Events- Daryl202dc.com

BeBar Nightclub-Crunk- Bebardc.com (Thursday)



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