Andresflava is a blog dedicated to bringing stories and context that about the LGBT community to educate and inspire the community with the latest going ons from Webseries to sports,music and everything in between.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Darian Aaron "When Love Takes Over" NYC Book Signing
Yes I know I am A little late with uploading this video,but hey it is what it is.Anywho back in September Author and former blogger Darian Aaron of came to New York City to debut his first coffeebook to us "When Love Takes Over: A Celebration of SGL Couples of Color" Below is video footage from the event taken in Harlem at the Nectar Bar so get into it.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Real Story: African Americans & Occupy Wall Street by Yolo Akili
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Xem Van Adams bids farewell after 4 yrs...
My buddy and friend Xem Van Adams says goodbye to us after 4 years and countless videos that have been inspirational and uplifting this community. I was first introduced to Xem Van Adams when I logged on to Darian Aaron's Blog and Xem's first video "Young Black & Gay" was first showed to us 3 yrs ago. Xem I would like to personally say publicly as I have told you privately you are a great asset to this community and I want to say your videos have hit me personally and have talked to me on so many levels that I cant even described and I thank you for being you and bring so much knowledge and joy to my life and value our friendship these last 3 yrs. much love and continued success in all future dreams and goals.
2011 "HOW TO" Guide To Relationships
So here your official 2011 guide to relationships: "A Quick "HOW TO" Guide To Relationships"
1. Date: dating is healthy, go ahead and shop around.
2. Choose: After browsing around, if you've found a decent fit. slowly merge away from other prospects and put your main focus on that particular individual that catches your eye.
3. Be Real: you've decided to give this person a large portion of your time and attention. Don't waste time trying to give off an image that isn't who you really are.
4. Integrate: Now that you've kept it real. it's time to merge your social lives. Begin having dinner with each other's friends/family, maybe even co-workers. Know what you're really getting into before you start to claim this person. Because when you're in a relationship with ANYBODY. You're in it with them, their family, close friends, coworkers, even enemies and past lovers. It takes more then just the 2 of you to make it work. A great support system creates a sturdy foundation.
5. Make it official: you've been "talking" to this person for sometime now. they've been introduced to your closest friends and family. You've been introduced to theirs, and it's obvious that the two of you have positive intentions in mind. So why not put a title on your "situation"
6. Nesting: It's time to move in a new place together!! You've been attached at the hip for a minimum of 1 year, maximum of 2. experiencing each other in each month and season. you've spent the night over each other's apartments regularly. You know each other's spending habits, and some of each others quarks. You both realize that the two of you live at BOTH places. Tonight it's your place. 2morrow night it's theirs. Now i mentioned earlier a MAX of 2 years. I say this because you dont want to wait too long before moving in together. This is TRULY the only way you REALLY REALLY REALLY get to know a person. you don't want to spend 5+ years thinking you know someone to move in and realize you never knew them.
7. True commitment: now i'm not going to tell you when to get married. i think after living with someone for sometime. experiencing life fully merged. it'll just happen naturally.
(some people may disagree with me on some of this. but i just want to say that i dont understand how people get married who have never lived with each other for a period of time FIRST! to me that's crazy because you really never KNOW a person until you live with them)
As for the road bumps along the way...TALK! don't disguise problems. It's unhealthy NOT to argue, because problems are secretly tucked away, and simply grow larger. It's also not healthy to argue ALL THE DAMN TIME! because that means your asses aren't solving your problems! The key is to "fight fair" when arguing. Find a solution to your problems....compromise!!!!!!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Beyonce - Love On Top (Official Music Video)
Beyonce debuts her latest video for her song "Love On Top" Get into the video
Saturday, October 15, 2011
T.I. Speaks on New Book & New Music in 1st Ustream
Video streaming by Ustream
In case you missed it yesterday, check out Tip's first ever Ustream, where he discusses some of the new tracks he's recorded, as well as his upcoming book release Power & Beauty!
Tip has scheduled THREE book signings for his upcoming Power & Beauty novel, co-written by David Ritz! Check them out below, as well as the rest of his scheduled events surrounding the book!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 @ 6pm
2319 Frederick Douglas BLVD New York, NY 10027
Thursday, October 20, 2011 @ 7pm
Books-A-Million The Avenue of Peachtree City 258 City Circle Peachtree City, GA 30269
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 @ 7pm
1201 Third ST Promenade Santa Monica, CA 90401
8 yrs later & I am Still Alive: The Day the World Stopped...
8 years ago today is when my world collided and was changed forever. Today was the day I found out I was HIV positive and the day life changed and I now knew it would never be the same again. I have always said that me being diagnosised with HIV was not an death sentence or that I was upset or bitter at the person who infected me, but in fact that being diagnosised with the diease was as crazy as it sounds was indeed an blessing on to me. Prior to me being infected with HIV I had been working with HIV/AIDS women and youth infected and affected with HIV as a youth counselor so I knew I would be ok. I usually take today to reflect and mediate on my life and keep it moving. I am healthy and fine since finding out I was HIV positive 8 years ago today unlike most folks who have been hospitalized and get sick easily. Below is an interview I did with then Blogger Darian Aaron of where I talk in about living with HIV.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Erykah Badu Video World Premiere: "Out My Mind, Just In Time (Movement II)
OUT MY MIND JUST IN TIME 2 from Creative Control on Vimeo.
(Movement I) can be revisited here:
Stay tune for (Movement III) coming end of 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Oprah's Lifeclass Webcasts
Oprah's Lifeclass Webcasts
In an all-new five-week series, Oprah’s Lifeclass, Oprah reaches back through The Oprah Winfrey Show’s 25-year history to teach the lessons that matter most to her. Oprah will share her most personal revelations, and what she thinks now about those iconic show moments and guests. The series will also feature an online companion class for an even more enriching experience, and live webcasts with Oprah after the show – right here!
log on to
Oprah's Lifeclass Webcast - Fatwagon & the False Power of Ego Class 1
Watch live streaming video from oprahslifeclass at
Oprah's Lifeclass Webcast - Letting Go of Anger Class 2
oprahslifeclass on Broadcast Live Free
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
National Coming Out Day: My Coming Out Story
Wow…well my coming out story is a story of a boy who grew up in the church and took in a lot of the church activities as a youth. As I began to get into finding out who I was and where my life would take me, I came to the realization that indeed I was attracted to the same sex. At first, it was a scary thing that I couldn’t come to grips with. I honestly believe that rejection from girls that I were attracted to, played a crucial factor in this part as well.
I was raised in a Jamaican household were gays were looked down upon and ridiculed
Despite my family’s Jamaican roots, I felt that my decision to come out to them would be fine based on their love and dedication. I was wrong! My grandmother told me i was going to hell and that it was an abomination and started quoting bible scriptures to me. Deep down, I knew it hurt her that her eldest grandchild would not bare her any great grandkids and because of that she lashed out at me.
My aunt would wake me up early every morning for about a month yelling and screaming “FAGGOT” and that she hated me. Although the words of my family have hurt me it has also made me the stronger person I am today.
My mother, even-though she does not approve, has come to grips with my sexuality. I have been estranged from my family for the last 10 years. Recently, the death of my father last month brought me and my mother back a little closer. We have never been a unified family but I have reached out more and hope that eventually time will heal all wounds.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Beyonce: "Countdown" Music Video
Bey finally releases her music video from "Countdown" where in the video she is channeling Audrey Hepburn Get into the video below.
AndresFlava is a Proud Sponsor of HEAT MIAMI Blatino Explosion THIS WEEKEND

From the Desk of King in Miami
Follow me on Twitter for the Latest in South Florida Haps
Andres Flava is a proud media sponsor of Heat Miami Blatino Explosion 2011. We got a sneek peak of some of the events planned for this weekend in Miami. Get your bags packed. Super excited to attend Blatino Live at MIA Lounge! Miami's hottest nightspot in Downtown Miami. The HEAT is ON!
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