Andresflava is a blog dedicated to bringing stories and context that about the LGBT community to educate and inspire the community with the latest going ons from Webseries to sports,music and everything in between.
Monday, March 30, 2009
40 days/40 night challenge
As I prepare to return to Miami for Sizzle Miami which will be taking place May 21 thru 26 me and a few friends have taken on the challenge to get fit and get us right for the big weekend. So over the next few weeks the participants and me will let u inside to our world as we get right for Sizzle Miami! Stay Tuned the mayhem starts on April 1
Introducing The Think Campaign
Kudos to fellow friend and blogger Mr. Derrick L. Briggs and Ryan for such a great campaign and glad the campaign is here. Get into the Campaign and let a bro know what u think of it. As always ADTV is doing big things in 2009.
Miami Beach Residents Gets Right to Fly Pride Flag Ahead of Pride Event

From the Desk of King in Miami
With the first-ever Pride in Miami Beach approaching, here is an interesting article courtesy of Miami Herald. Miami Beach Pride begins April 18. For more info, check out their site,
It's among the most basic of American rights: the freedom to fly a flag.
But in Miami Beach -- home to one of the largest gay communities in the country -- residents and businesses only recently got the go-ahead to fly the rainbow-striped Pride Flag. And only after receiving a city permit.
''The problem is the businesses just went out and bought a flagpole and in an expression of their pride, put up the flag,'' said City Commissioner Victor Diaz, who said a number of business owners have since been slapped with fines and taken their flags down. Flying any flag in the right of way without a permit is a violation of city code.
With Pride Month around the corner, the commission took immediate action: carving out an exemption for April. Only an online form will be required.
Questions still linger about permitting requirements for other flags, including Old Glory.
It took no less than four city department heads to try to clarify the rules -- often disagreeing.
'I only have to laugh 'cause I see the four of you standing there, none of whom are the four who are going to be at the permit counter when some poor business owner comes and says `I'd like to fly the flag,' '' quipped Commissioner Saul Gross.
''We're solving it in the short term with the temporary permit,'' Diaz said. ``But we need to find a more permanent solution.''
Ginuwine is Back with "Last Chance" video
After a 4 year hiatus Ginuwine is back with a new video entitled "Last Chance" Look out for his new album coming out June 2nd, titled “A Man’s Thoughts.” Below he sits down with HipHollywood where he reveals info about where he’s been, troubles with his music career, and why he decided to bring Tyrese and Lisa Raye into the mix.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Paris Hilton and boyfriend scuffle with DJ at Winter Music Conference

From the Desk of King in Miami
Faded Youth Blog-
After enjoying their first night of partying in Miami, Paris Hilton and boyfriend Doug Reinhardt were allegedly attacked at the Fontainebleau Hotel early this morning (March 27).
It all went down when Paris approached the DJ in the nightclub at approximately 3 a.m. and requested a song by Madonna or Black Eyed Peas, something she could dance to. The DJ was spinning techno music.
All of a sudden, a nearby bodyguard shoved Miss Hilton, which prompted a furious Doug to tell the man not to touch his lady love.
That’s precisely when the bodyguard and Doug began to brawl. After a few minutes, hotel security intervened and the fight promptly broken up.
Cops were called but no charged were filed. While Paris escaped sans injury, poor Doug suffered a bloody lip.
Says a shaken Paris: “I can’t believe someone would do this to us, it’s really scary.”
UPDATE: Reps for Steve Angello, the other participant in last night’s throwdown that involved Paris and Doug, have contacted FYB to deny the spin that Paris’ camp have put on the story.
“Steve plays dance music, he just doesn’t play hip hop,” an insider from his PR company says. “He politely refused Hilton’s requests but she got more and more agitated, and it escalated pretty quickly. Out of nowhere one of her security guards smacked Steve in the face. Steve is a quiet guy, but he had to act in self defence and fought back. He started pounding on the guy and it suddenly turned into a full scale fight in the DJ booth.”
Looks like it’s a matter of he said, she said. But who do we believe?
UPDATE: Paris has now blogged (and blogged and blogged) about the fight. We’re too uninterested at this point to read the entire novel. Cliff Notes anyone?
Clearing a few things up
Just checking in to say hello and clear a few things up. I’ve been getting a lot of calls and emails regarding these subjects I’m about to discuss. First of all, last night at a club my boyfriend and I were assaulted for no reason at all. The DJ (I don’t even know his name cause he sucks so bad) was playing the worst music ever! I like certain techno music, but this was not even danceable and was frankly giving me a migraine. I asked one of my friends who runs the hotel if he could change the music and he said ” I’ll lead you up to the DJ booth tell him and he’ll play whatever you want.” So he walked Doug and I over there. I asked the DJ if he could please play Daft Punk or Bob Sinclair and he rudely snapped at me and was like ‘I only play this kind of music.” I think he was jealous cause Bob Sinclair is a far better DJ then this guy by about a million times. He was so unbelievably rude and all because I asked to play one good song. Then out of nowhere his bodyguard (don’t ask me why he has a bodyguard, like he really needs one. Ha) pushed me really hard, that’s when my boyfriend, like my knight in shining armor, stepped in and told the guy to keep his hands off of me. Then all hell broke loose, it was like something out of a fight movie, it was so frightening. I had never seen anything like it in my life. Doug was fighting off like 6 guys. But he was of course stronger then them all but one of the idiots punched him in the face and busted open his lip. There was blood all over, I cried I was so upset and scared. It was ridiculous and for such a stupid reason, I cannot believe people behave this way, like ainmals! FYI this is not in my nature to be in club brawls, I;ve never been around anything like that. It was totally unprovoked and thank God Doug was there to rescue me. A man should NEVER put his hands on a woman in that manner.
Another thing I keep getting are emails from you guys, calls from family, flowers from friends congratulating me on my engagement. They said they read some story the other day saying that when Doug and I went to dinner with my parents the other night that he proposed and I declined. This never happend, I dont know where they come up with these stories sometimes. All we did was have a lovely dinner at my mom’s favorite restaurant. We had all been together on My BFF Show set all day shooting scenes for this upcoming season. It was histerical and a lot of fun. But I will tell you this, Doug is an amazing guy and I feel very lucky that we found each other. We’ve been friends the past year now and have became very close. He’s my best friend, we are so much alike, we love to travel and we have the most incredible time together no matter where we are. I’ve never been happier. He truly treats me like his princess and that’s how every girl should always be treated, Never forget that ladies. My parents love him too, so I’m really happy about that. I love his parents as well, they are such a lovely family. His mother is stunning, so beautiful, sweet, funny and smart. We all had such an amazing time in Maui together, so I’m glad Doug’s getting to know my family as well.
I flew into New York this morning, I’m about to go to the Eye Wear Convention. I’m launching my new sunglass line. I’m so excited! I love wearing sunglasses and now I have my very own line! Loves it! So, I have to run, but hope everyones doing wonderfully and love you all.
Love always Paris xoxo
Article Courtesy of Faded Youth Blog
WMC Comes To A Close on South Beach

From the Desk of King in Miami
A single word can sum up five nights of partying both day and night - WOW! The Winter Music Conference enters into it's final day and it appears it didn't skip a beat. Most hotels and event planners have been reporting average to above average crowds for this year's WMC. I had a great time and actually partied every night except last night. I was beat. If ever the chance, you should make plans definitely to attend next year's event.
Alot of people over the past few days have asked, "But what exactly is the Winter Music Conference?" The WMC all centers around dance music and the dance music industry. This event actually has been in existence since 1985. Most of the dance and trance music heard over this past weekend is unreleased, and will be the same music heard over the radio and in clubs throughout the world for the next 6 to 8 months. That is what makes the conference so cool. Hear the music of tommorrow, today! The WMC is not a straight event, not a gay event, it's really a MUSIC event, with the vast majority of the parties, events, and clubs being FREE or with a low cover. You can always purchase a VIP badge, and attend just about everything for FREE. But there are also seminars and lectures about the music industry, what is happening in the industry, learn how to scratch records, etc, etc, and the list goes on. The DJ's who attend the conference are world famous and more than likely you have heard their music on the radio or club, such at the Martinez Brothers out of NYC and Ian Friday out of Brooklyn. The Black Eyed Peas also performed at this year Ultra Music Festival and P. Diddy was spotted at one of the conference events.
And on a sidenote, our gay pride promoters could learn alot from this event. It seems GREED has crippled and some cases (Pride in the City) destroyed some of our most celebrated Prides. *Will discuss more in detail later* The WMC was totally about the music and nothing came before that. Music blasting on the streets of South Beach, in convienence stores, coffeeshops, and clubs, MUSIC was always forefront and everywhere. It's seems a little bit over the top. But you basically couldn't go anywhere without hearing the music. This attitude is something our pride promoters should invest in. Making sure nothing comes before "Pride", not money, not greed, nor themselves.
The Winter Music Conference was a great success and I look forward to next's year event. Bring on the music!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
I just recieved this track this is FIRE get into it people DJ CLASS one of the best DJs out of ATL and Kanye West the best rapper at the moment collabing and bring you the FIRE. THIS IS THE OFFICIAL ANTHEM OF THE SPRING/SUMMER! LET's GO!
I just recieved this track this is FIRE get into it people DJ CLASS one of the best DJs out of ATL and Kanye West the best rapper at the moment collabing and bring you the FIRE. THIS IS THE OFFICIAL ANTHEM OF THE SPRING/SUMMER! LET's GO!
Winter Music Conference 09....Bring on the Music!

From the Desk of King in Miami
The first half of the Winter Music Conference has passed but we have three more days of House Music to go. It has been an amazing ride so far. Twist represented Tuesday; Black Sheep on Lincoln represented Chicago; Ian Friday represented at Buck 15 for the International househeads. The streets are packed. The Spring Breakers are still here. And the True Househeads have arrived. Here are a few pics from my adventures so far with more to come. Black Eyed Peas to perform at the 2-day Ultra Music Festival which starts today....Are you ready for some House Music??!!!!
T.I, sentenced to 366 days in JAIL
Rap star T.I. was sentenced in Atlanta federal court Friday to one year and one day in prison and ordered to pay a $100,300 fine on weapons charges related to purchasing machine guns and silencers.
T.I., whose real name is Clifford Harris, has mentored at-risk students as part of his community service.
The rapper, whose real name is Clifford Harris, reached the terms of the sentence in a plea agreement with prosecutors last year.
"I would like to say thank you to some, and apologize to others," Harris said at his sentencing.
"In my life, I have been placed in the worst-case scenario and had to make the best of it," he said. "Most often, things I have learned have been from trial and error. I knew no way to protect myself than to arm myself."
He was dressed in a gray suit and black shirt and tie.
Harris, 28, also was sentenced to some property forfeiture, supervised release for three years after his prison sentence, 365 days of home confinement and 1,500 hours of community service. He has already served 305 days of home confinement and 1,030 hours of service.
He also must undergo DNA testing and drug counseling, cannot own firearms and must submit to reasonable searches and a financial audit.
Updated 3:55pm
T.I. speaks to CNN's TJ Holmes before his conviction on weapon charges
T.I. speaks after being convicted to 366 days in JAIL
T.I., whose real name is Clifford Harris, has mentored at-risk students as part of his community service.
The rapper, whose real name is Clifford Harris, reached the terms of the sentence in a plea agreement with prosecutors last year.
"I would like to say thank you to some, and apologize to others," Harris said at his sentencing.
"In my life, I have been placed in the worst-case scenario and had to make the best of it," he said. "Most often, things I have learned have been from trial and error. I knew no way to protect myself than to arm myself."
He was dressed in a gray suit and black shirt and tie.
Harris, 28, also was sentenced to some property forfeiture, supervised release for three years after his prison sentence, 365 days of home confinement and 1,500 hours of community service. He has already served 305 days of home confinement and 1,030 hours of service.
He also must undergo DNA testing and drug counseling, cannot own firearms and must submit to reasonable searches and a financial audit.
Updated 3:55pm
T.I. speaks to CNN's TJ Holmes before his conviction on weapon charges
T.I. speaks after being convicted to 366 days in JAIL
Thursday, March 26, 2009
American Violet:Movie Review
I was able to view the press screening for this movie on tuesday and i must say this is a very powerful and good movie which reminds me of the old 90s movie "A time To Kill" but the 2009 version. Nicole Beharie is an excellent actress in this movie. The movie hits theaters on Friday April 24 so make sure u go and see it.
Based on true events in the midst of the 2000 election, AMERICAN VIOLET tells the astonishing story of Dee Roberts (critically hailed newcomer Nicole Beharie), a 24 year-old African American single mother of four young girls living in a small Texas town who is barely making ends meet on a waitress salary and government subsidies.
On an early November morning while Dee works a shift at the local diner, the powerful local district attorney (Academy Award® nominee Michael OKeefe) leads an extensive drug bust, sweeping her Arlington Springs housing project with military precision. Police drag Dee from work in handcuffs, dumping her in the squalor of the womens county prison. Indicted based on the uncorroborated word of a single and dubious police informant facing his own drug charges, Dee soon discovers she has been charged as a drug dealer.
Even though Dee has no prior drug record and no drugs were found on her in the raid or any subsequent searches, she is offered a hellish choice: plead guilty and go home as a convicted felon or remain in prison and fight the charges thus, jeopardizing her custody and risking a long prison sentence.
Despite the urgings of her mother (Academy Award® nominee Alfre Woodard), and with her freedom and the custody of her children at stake, she chooses to fight the district attorney and the unyielding criminal justice system he represents. Joined in an unlikely alliance with an ACLU attorney (Tim Blake Nelson) and former local narcotics officer (Will Patton), Dee risks everything in a battle that forever changes her life and the Texas justice system. AMERICAN VIOLET also stars Emmy Award® winner Charles S. Dutton and Xzibit.
For more information -
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sandhurst Miggins-HUMPDAY FLAVA

Introducing Sandhurst Miggins. Sandhurst was born and raised on the island of Tobago, and later moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. He got his start in modeling when he was picked out of a crowd during Trinidad and Tobago’s inaugural Fashion week and asked to walk in a runway show.
Sandhurst is a “classically trained” dancer who studied ballet. As a result, Sandhurst has a nice walk, a hawt bod and supreme confidence! He was born to model.
You can see Sandhurst each week on the Bravo channel on the show Make Me A Supermodel.
Winter Music Conference Opens With a Bang

From the Desk of King in Miami
-Follow me at the WMC in South Beach for the whole week on Twitter.
The Winter Music Conference opened with a BANG last night on South Beach. The diehard WMC party goers with their VIP access badges, made it clear that Miami was the place to be and that this event was partly recession-proof. With many organizers taking note that the event had not sold out months in advance, but only weeks in advance this year. The WMC is an international event and many visitors are foreigners where the economic downtown may or may not have had such a dramatic effect unlike here in the States. From the Shelter party at the Shelbourne to the Twist hosting some of the nation's best dance dj's to Hotel Astor blasting dance music onto Washington Ave; the energy was definitley in the air. With alot of the WMC parties FREE or with a very low cover, it's a great event.
I had a great time last night. The Spring Breakers and WMC folks just seemed to melt into a large group of pulsating energy. I am looking forward to the rest of the week, when more people will arrive and the music will get even better. Thanks Kevin for hooking up on the Winter Music Conference last year. I am defintiely hooked.
I added a quick audio video with some of the music I heard last night. Pack yo bags and head for Miami. One of the best party weeks and weekends of the year.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Where are all the good Men???
Wow uproar and anger has hit the black gay community as Urban Female blogger out of ATL posed the question on her blog last week in referencing to where are the good men where in ATL and why were they either gay or locked up well Media Bloggers Darian Aaron and Drama Dupree speak their minds on the controversy. Below is Drama take on the matter and you can go to for his two sense on the issue.
Pt 2
Pt 2
Mary J Blige and Tyler Perry makes good combo
According to Billboard, R&B royalty Mary J. Blige is set to make her foray into the acting world later this year, after being cast in Tyler Perry's latest movie 'I Can Do Bad All By Myself':
Mary J. Blige is set to star in Tyler Perry's forthcoming Lionsgate film, "I Can Do Bad All By Myself." Scheduled for nationwide release September 11, 2009, the film also stars Academy Award nominee Taraji P. Henson. The cast already includes Taraji P. Henson, Gladys Knight, Brian J. White and Marvin Winans. The film is about an alcoholic jazz singer who has to take care of her deceased sister's 3 children. Blige will play a nightclub manager and singer who is good friends with Henson's character.
As previously mentioned, Taraji P. Henson, Oscar-nommed for her role in 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,' is starring in the film, which is based on Perry's play of the same name. The project began shooting March 16 at Perry's newly opened studio complex in Atlanta.
Mary J. Blige is set to star in Tyler Perry's forthcoming Lionsgate film, "I Can Do Bad All By Myself." Scheduled for nationwide release September 11, 2009, the film also stars Academy Award nominee Taraji P. Henson. The cast already includes Taraji P. Henson, Gladys Knight, Brian J. White and Marvin Winans. The film is about an alcoholic jazz singer who has to take care of her deceased sister's 3 children. Blige will play a nightclub manager and singer who is good friends with Henson's character.
As previously mentioned, Taraji P. Henson, Oscar-nommed for her role in 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,' is starring in the film, which is based on Perry's play of the same name. The project began shooting March 16 at Perry's newly opened studio complex in Atlanta.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Deborah Cox Performs LIVE at Sizzle Miami
Miami-Dade Youth Fair Kicks Off Thursday and YES, I am performing!

From the Desk of King in Miami
YEAH, the Miami-Dade Youth Fair opens this Thursday and runs through April 12. If you are on Spring Break in South Beach and love amusement park rides, good food and free shows, definitely check it out, It's a great break from the beach and club scene, and always some nice eye candy to see as well. And YES, someone let my little secret. I will be performing at the fair on April 11. I am currently in rehearsal for the show and it is a true work out. I am used to just choreographing, not performing my routines. But come and check my alter ego. See you at the Fair!
Winter Music Conference Kicks Off Tommorrow in Miami

From the Desk of King in Miami
YES, sir! One of my favorite times of the year is finally here. The Winter Music Conference kicks off in South Beach tommorrow and runs thru March 28. The best parties with the best music of the year storms in Sobe(South Beach). A vast majority of the parties happen poolside at various hotels and clubs in South Beach. Many of the parties are FREE or have a low cover charge. If you are into House Music (especially Soulful House Music, my favorite) or looking to break into the dance music industry, the Winter Music Conference is the place to be. Check out "the List" of parties, events, and seminars at I will be twittering from most of the events, so if you want to be up on the haps in South Beach this during the conference, feel feel to follow me at Let the partying begin.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Miami Fashion Week Rolls Into Miami's Design District
Top 5 Things NOT to Do During Spring Break in Miami

From the Desk of King in Miami
Spring Break is in FULL Swing on South Beach. It's a welcome sight to hotel operators, club owners and the Miami tourist industry. With the first slumping tourist season since the 9/11 attacks, Miami welcomes college kids although sometimes rowdy with open arms.
5. Don't assume everyone in the South Beach gay club is "gay". Remember this is Spring Break, alot of curious straight people will wonder into the gay club trying to see wassup. Straight people always say we know how to party.
4. Don't come to South Beach broke. YES, we are in a recession, but South Beach and the clubs can be a little pricey if you are not prepared. Do your research. Alot of clubs offer Free before midnight, and open bar before 11pm. So scope out the hot spots.
3. Don't go to nightclub in sandals. #1 Fashion No-No. Your feet will get step-on and everyone including me will be looking at you crazy. Most clubs on South Beach will not let you in with sneakers or sandals on. Dress to impress is the rule on South Beach.
2. Don't expect all the hot clubs to be in South Beach only. Club Boi, the Vault, Discoketecka are not in South Beach, but rather in Downtown Miami and in the City of Miami. So if you want to visit the hot black gay spots, expect to pay for a cab or get a rental car for the weekend.
1. Don't come to Miami with no fake furs or FURS at all. Miami is in the TROPICS! It will be hot and it has been warm and humid the past couple of weeks. Yes, it is March but for Miami, think tank tops, shorts, and sandals during the day. Long pants, short sleeves, and dressy t-shirts at night. And maybe an umbrella for the occasional tropical downpour.
See ya in Miami. Holla!
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Men of College Hill:South Beach

Paul in the red is 21 and attending Broward College as a Freshman and is a pisces who is from Ft. Lauderdale, FL and is majoring in Business.
Brandon in the orange is 24 and attending Florida International University as a Senior and is a pisces who is from New York,NY and is majoring in Computer Science.
Kyle in the yellow is 21 and is attending Florida A&M University as a Junior and is a capicorn and majoring in Public Relations.
Chris the last one on the end is 21 and is attending University of Miami as a Senior and is a Gemini who is from Washington DC and is majoring in accounting.
The 6th season of College Hill will premiere on March 24 @ 10pm where this season will take place on South Beach so stay tuned and get in on the new season.
Sizzle Miami 2009 Official Line-Up

WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th 2009
Official Sizzle Miami Sponsor/VIP Party
Time: 7:00PM
Location: 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612. Upscale event at an undisclosed location
By Invitation Only
THURSDAY, MAY 21st 2009
Official Sizzle Flag Raising Ceremony
Time: 10:00am
Location: Hyatt Regency Miami; 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612
(Sponsored By Hyatt Regency Miami)
Sizzle Miami Inc owner Dwight Powell, his staff along with the Hyatt General Manager John Visconti, and his staff gather to display and raise the Official Sizzle Memorial Flag to initiate the 2009 Memorial Day Weekend in Miami, Florida.
Sizzle Village Open
Time: 12:00NOON - 10:00PM
Location: Terrace or Ground Level / Hyatt Regency Miami; 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612
Be sure to visit The Sizzle 2009 Party Central Headquarters. Get all of the latest information on activities and events during the week. At the Sizzle Village, you can buy stuff in our vendor marketplace, check email in our exclusive Sizzle Cyber Café, watch movies in our video lounge or just hangout in our lounge areas sponsored by 411Magazine.
Official South Florida Premiere Hosted By Creator Patrik Ian Polk
Time: 5:00PM - 6:50PM
Location: 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612
Their makeup is fabulous. Their shows are flawless. Their fights are infamous. The never-ending search for Mr. Right takes a surprise detour into totally unexplored territory with PUNKS. This sparkling, rhythm-and-blues-driven romantic comedy is the story of four close-knit friends trying to find that mythical relationship that will make finally make things right. But if you think that sounds familiar, think again, because PUNKS is the first-ever comic love story set amidst the world of African-American gay men.
Welcome Reception
Time: 07:30PM - 09:30PM
Location: Historic Miami Riverfront Terrace / Hyatt Regency Miami; 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612Meet and greet other visitors from around the world and the staff at Sizzle Miami. Cash bar and complimentary light horde-ours will be serviced.
MEGA FUEGO: The Jump Off Party
Time: 10:00PM - 4:00AM
Location: Voyage Miami (Formally Pure/Bricks/Elements Nightclub); 66 SW 6th Street, Miami
Since 2004 this venue has been a sure crowd pleaser Formally Pure and Bricks, Voyage embodies everything that has made Sizzle world renown: Atmosphere, style, and flavor. This venue boasts a state-of-the-art dance floor and light show, a huge roof-top terrace with cabanas, and a sexy outdoor patio that rivals the countries best. Get ready for the most exciting jump-off ever. $20 before 11:30am and $25 after / 18 to party 21 to drink.
FRIDAY, MAY 22nd 2009
Sizzle Village Open
Time: 8:00AM - 10:00PM
Location:Sizzle Village / Terrace or Ground Level / Hyatt Regency Miami; 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612
Sizzle Booze Cruise
Time: 12:00PM - 5:00PM (Sold-Out)
Location: The Carrousel @ Miami River / Back of Hyatt Regency Miami ; We've Jumped Ship.... Literally!
We're so excited and thrilled to announce that The Carrousel Yacht will be the new home of the Sizzle 2009 Booze Party Cruise. We look forward to having the pleasure to cruise with you on this custom yacht that incorporates four levels into this 135-foot vessel creating a fully functional venue designed specifically for entertaining with unlimited possibilities.
$85.00 Per Person - Free Food, A Free Starter Drink, Great Music, and Load Of Fun In The Sun.
4-Hour Cruise Sails From The Hyatt Regency Miami - Boarding Begins @ 12-Noon
SIZZLE LIVE (Work In Progress) More Details To Come
SPEECHLESS: Words Not Required
A Photo Exhibit
Location: Sizzle Village / Jasmine Ballroom / Hyatt Regency Miami; 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612
For the first time four of America's most talented photographers, will showcase their stunning work at Sizzle Miami. This will be a one in a lifetime opportunity to be apart of this event that will leave speechless. The photographers with be available for Q&A and you will also be able to leave with some of their work.
Official South Florida Premiere Hosted By Creator Patrik Ian Polk & cast
Location: Theatre / Hyatt Regency Miami ; 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612
Nominated for a NAACP Image Award!
In the Motion Picture Category -- Nominated for Outstanding Independent Motion Picture
About The Film: Noah, Alex, Ricky, Chance and their significant others travel to Martha's Vineyard for a weekend wedding getaway. Drama ensues as one-by-one their relationships start to crack under the pressure of closer examination. Newly successful screenwriter Noah looks to his friends for advice as he prepares to move his relationship to a more serious level while struggling to keep his first studio movie alive. But the friends are of little help as they juggle their own issue. Q&A, Signing, Autographs sessions to follow.
Official South Florida Premiere Hosted By Maurice Jamal & cast
Location: Theatre / Hyatt Regency Miami ; 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612
Part romantic comedy, part drama, part Hollywood spoof and all signature Maurice Jamal. A spin-off from his first feature, the widely popular SKI TRIP (MTV's LOGO), the story follows the lives, loves and mishaps of three diverse couples living in Los Angeles, and their eccentric circle of friends. Featuring a multiracial cast that crosses orientation, gender and race. FRIENDS AND LOVERS is a bold and totally outrageous look at life in LA.
Jackie Collins has kept the literary romance world well stocked with claws-out, upper-crust melodramas. But until E. Lynn Harris came along, the genre lacked a little ... diversity. Harris brought diversity and then some, with his now-trademark "buppie" characters, questions about sexuality, and hopelessly (but deliciously) complicated relationships. Written from both male and female points of view and featuring recurring characters, Harris's books can be read as a veritable soap opera. Join E Lynn as he reads from is latest novel Basketball Jones Q&A, photos and autograph session to follow immediately after reading. FREE To all. Other authors will be showcasing their novels.
Babylon IV
Time: 10:30PM - 5:30AM
Location: Metropolis Nightclub /; 950 NE 2nd Ave., Miami, FL
Miami's hippest and most sought-after nightspot boasts 5 clubs in one. One of the largest club in America, Metropolis will have you rockin. Each of the 5 rooms have a different vibe, stellar décor and unique music formats from Hip-hop, R&B, Reggae, House and Caribbean beats. $25 Before 11:30 and $30 after / 18 to party 21 to drink.
SATURDAY, MAY 23rd 2009
Sizzle Village Open
Time: 9:00AM - 2:00PM
Location: Sizzle Village / Terrace or Ground Level / Hyatt Regency Miami; 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612
Be sure to visit The Sizzle 2009 Party Central Headquarters. Get all of the latest information on activities and events during the week. At the Sizzle Village, you can buy stuff in our vendor marketplace, check email in our exclusive Sizzle Cyber Café, watch movies in our video lounge or just hangout in our lounge areas.
Go See
Time: 11:30AM - 2:30PM
Location: Miami / Ft. Lauderdale / Aventura / Hollywood
Sizzle participants are encouraged to venture out and see the city of Miami and South Beach. There's a lot to see. And do.
One Mighty Luau VI / Return To Bongos
Time: 2:00PM - 8:00PM
Location: American Airlines Arena / Bongos (@ The Back Near Water); 601 Biscayne Blvd., Miami Fl. / 786-777-2100
Location best know for the MTV Music Awards where the celebrities made their red carpet entrances from yachts and now home of the 2006 NBA National Chaps Miami Heat. The atmosphere is absolutely captivating - the best of Miami. The crown jewel of Sizzle Miami, our Sizzling Luau is a sure crowd pleaser. Featuring entertainment from authentic Hawaii drummers and fire dancers, a show stopping swimwear fashion show starring Jared and the Men of Sizzle a head-turning hot body contest, great food, drinks, music and the liveliest crowd taking in the greatest bay views Miami has to offer. Meet and greet other visitors from around the country at the home of the NBA World Champions Miami Heat at the American Airlines Arena ocean view terrace.
Time: 10:30PM - 06:00AM
Location: Nocturnal, 90 Degrees - 1 MIGHT BLOC PARTY
Sizzle Miami 2009 is taking over the Miami Entertainment district with a mega block party that will be one of the major highlights of the weekend. So just for the fun of it, come and live a little, or a LOT! Circus Circus will be a treat. Another of our most challenging event to date, Circus Circus will feature a parade of men, the sexiest dancers in America, the hottest DJs from Atlanta, New York, Washington DC and Miami. Get ready for another WOW moment - Décor by RKM & The Future Boy - The company that designs for the White Party, Winter Party and many of the Nation's other premiere events. $25 Before 11:30 and $30 after / 18 to party 21 to drink.
SUNDAY, MAY 24th 2009
Sizzle Village Open
Time: 12:00NOON - 8:30PM
Location: Sizzle Village / Terrace or Ground Level / Hyatt Regency Miami; 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612
Be sure to visit The Sizzle 2009 Party Central Headquarters. Get all of the latest information on activities and events during the week. At the Sizzle Village, you can buy stuff in our vendor marketplace, check email in our exclusive Sizzle Cyber Café, watch movies in our video lounge or just hangout in our lounge areas.
Sizzle Brunch
Time:10:00AM - 12:00PM
Location: Sizzle Village / Terrace or Ground Level / Hyatt Regency Miami; 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612
Start your day with a tasty bite to eat at our Sizzle Brunch, Join the Sizzle Staff and celebrity guests as they host and toast you at America's number one party event. On this day you will need your "Wheatys"
Go See
Time:11:30AM - 2:30PM
Location: Miami / Ft. Lauderdale / Aventura / Hollywood
Sizzle participants are encouraged to venture out and see the city of Miami and South Beach. There's a lot to see and do.
Haulover Beach Patrol VIII
Time: Morning - Dust
Location: Haulover Beach, Sunny Isles, Florida
Sun, Sand and See at South Florida's only Clothing Optional Beach. Coming to Sizzle without experiencing Haulover Beach would be unforgivable. This is a day at the beach like no other. Haulover's rich, sandy beaches with clear blue waters stretches for miles as do the sea of men, and women. Shuttles will be provided to the beach. Because of the huge beach crowds expected Memorial Day Weekend, permits for organized functions on the beach are not issued. But you'll have a lot to see and do at Haulover.
All-White Affair R&B / Jazz Dinner Concert
Time: 7:30PM - 10:30PM
Location: Riverwalk @ Miami River / Hyatt Regency Miami; 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612
In 2008 we brought you the Sensational KeKe Wyatt and Octavius Terry Performing On The Riverfront Of They Hyatt Regency Hotel. 2009 Headliner to be announced soon. This upscale event will again be the talk of the town, and an event you won't want to miss. Seating Is Limited - $75 per person - WHITE CLOTHING REQUIREMENT WILL BE ENFORCED
SUNRISE IIIV Time: 10:30PM - 08:00AM
Location: Club Space; 34 NE 11th Street, Miami
If this is your first year at Sizzle, ask a friend about Club Space before you come. We don't want you to loose your mind. Prepare yourself for what DJ Magazine describes as the #1 Club in America. A club that boast the best sound system, the largest roof-top party deck, and a party vibe second to none. Words alone could never truly prepare you for what you're about to experience. Like last year, this party will take you late into the morning, so bring your dancing shoes. $30 Before 11:30 and $40 after - Undeniably the most exciting night and morning at Sizzle / 18 to party 21 to drink.
MONDAY, MAY 25th 2009
Sizzle Village Open
Time:12:00NOON - 5:00PM
Location: Sizzle Village / Terrace or Ground Level / Hyatt Regency Miami; 400 SE 2nd Ave., Miami Fl. / 305-938-9612
Be sure to visit The Sizzle 2009 Party Central Headquarters. Get all of the latest information on activities and events during the week. At the Sizzle Village, you can buy stuff in our vendor marketplace, check email in our exclusive Sizzle Cyber Café, watch movies in our video lounge or just hangout in our lounge areas.
Go See
Time: 11:30AM - Until
Location: Miami / Ft. Lauderdale / Aventura / Hollywood
Sizzle participants are encouraged to venture out and see the city of Miami and South Beach. There's a lot to see and do.
Beach Ball IIIV / Beach Party @ South Beach
Location: Palace Food Bar, @ 12th & Ocean Drive, South Beach
Didn't get enough of the beach at Haulover, here's your chance to soak in another day at a landmark gay beach in the play-ground of the Florida - South Beach
HEDONISM I - The Finale
Time: 11:00PM - 04:00AM
Location: Bongos Nightclub and Cuban Cafe; 601 Biscayne Blvd., Miami Fl. / 786-777-2100
This venue is a sure crowd pleaser. So much so that year our participants insisted that we return. Bongos is absolutely stunning with the best views of Downtown Miami and South Beach. Check it out, who knows, owner Gloria Estefan might just stop by and Sizzle with us. This finale will feature a show-stopping, jaw-dropping, sensual all male review. These performances will surely be the most erotic strip-down ever. $15 Before 11:30 and $20 after / 18 to party 21 to drink.
The return of "PUNKS" to Sizzle Miami
This just in Patrik Ian Polk the creator of Noah's Arc tv series and movie will be bringing his first movie that started it all for him entitled "Punks". PUNKS will be making its Miami debut to Sizzle Miami which is the biggest and largest circuit party in the country. It all goes down Thursday May 21, 2009 5:00-6:50pm. PUNKS debut back at Sundance back in 2001. Below is several clips from the movie.
Clip 1
Clip 2
Clip 3
The never-ending search for Mr. Right takes a surprise detour into totally unexplored territory with PUNKS. This sparkling, rhythm-and-blues-driven romantic comedy is the story of four close-knit... The never-ending search for Mr. Right takes a surprise detour into totally unexplored territory with PUNKS. This sparkling, rhythm-and-blues-driven romantic comedy is the story of four close-knit friends trying to find that mythical relationship that will make finally make things right. But if you think that sounds familiar, think again, because PUNKS is the first-ever comic love story set amidst the world of African-American gay men.
The four best friends in PUNKS are each doing their best to make it in LA: they're successful, handsome, smart . . . and smarting from the battles of finding love in such a small and isolated world. Marcus (Seth Gilliam) is a fashion photographer and quiet romantic, who seems to have everything he could ever want . . . except that elusive lover who is also your best friend. Handsome Hill (Dwight Ewell) is on the revenge rebound after discovering his European boyfriend getting a little too French with a guest at his birthday party. Meanwhile, female impersonator Chris (Jazzmun) has a boyfriend so secret everyone believes he's imaginary. And then there's Dante (Renoly Santiago), the youngest of them all, a Latino rich kid from Beverly Hills, who still sees life as one long evening out.
As they work, party, dish and date, this alternately suave and salty-tongued quartet begins to come-of-age romantically. It all begins when Marcus gets a new West Hollywood neighbor: the drop-dead gorgeous but supposedly straight music producer Darby (Rockmond Dunbar) who keeps sending Marcus mixed signals, despite his serious girlfriend (Vanessa Wililams). Is Darby or isn't he becomes a secondary question as Marcus discovers it's not just about the love he's waiting for but about the love he has created among his remarkable friends.
With heart and pizzazz, PUNKS breaks new ground for both gay and African-American cinema. But more than that, it's an exciting new riff on the plea to live life to it's fullest, to love as hard as you can, to be true to oneself and to take revenge on the blues by resurrecting the spirit.
PUNKS is an Urbanworld Films presentation of a film written and directed by Patrik-Ian Polk, starring Seth Gilliam, Dwight Ewell, Rockmond Dunbar, Jazzmun, Renoly Santiago, Vanessa Williams and Loretta Devine. The film is produced by Tracy E. Edmonds, Michael McQuarn and Patrik-Ian Polk. Executive producers are Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds and Stacy Spikes.
Clip 1
Clip 2
Clip 3
The never-ending search for Mr. Right takes a surprise detour into totally unexplored territory with PUNKS. This sparkling, rhythm-and-blues-driven romantic comedy is the story of four close-knit... The never-ending search for Mr. Right takes a surprise detour into totally unexplored territory with PUNKS. This sparkling, rhythm-and-blues-driven romantic comedy is the story of four close-knit friends trying to find that mythical relationship that will make finally make things right. But if you think that sounds familiar, think again, because PUNKS is the first-ever comic love story set amidst the world of African-American gay men.
The four best friends in PUNKS are each doing their best to make it in LA: they're successful, handsome, smart . . . and smarting from the battles of finding love in such a small and isolated world. Marcus (Seth Gilliam) is a fashion photographer and quiet romantic, who seems to have everything he could ever want . . . except that elusive lover who is also your best friend. Handsome Hill (Dwight Ewell) is on the revenge rebound after discovering his European boyfriend getting a little too French with a guest at his birthday party. Meanwhile, female impersonator Chris (Jazzmun) has a boyfriend so secret everyone believes he's imaginary. And then there's Dante (Renoly Santiago), the youngest of them all, a Latino rich kid from Beverly Hills, who still sees life as one long evening out.
As they work, party, dish and date, this alternately suave and salty-tongued quartet begins to come-of-age romantically. It all begins when Marcus gets a new West Hollywood neighbor: the drop-dead gorgeous but supposedly straight music producer Darby (Rockmond Dunbar) who keeps sending Marcus mixed signals, despite his serious girlfriend (Vanessa Wililams). Is Darby or isn't he becomes a secondary question as Marcus discovers it's not just about the love he's waiting for but about the love he has created among his remarkable friends.
With heart and pizzazz, PUNKS breaks new ground for both gay and African-American cinema. But more than that, it's an exciting new riff on the plea to live life to it's fullest, to love as hard as you can, to be true to oneself and to take revenge on the blues by resurrecting the spirit.
PUNKS is an Urbanworld Films presentation of a film written and directed by Patrik-Ian Polk, starring Seth Gilliam, Dwight Ewell, Rockmond Dunbar, Jazzmun, Renoly Santiago, Vanessa Williams and Loretta Devine. The film is produced by Tracy E. Edmonds, Michael McQuarn and Patrik-Ian Polk. Executive producers are Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds and Stacy Spikes.
Finding Me Movie DVD Release

YES AMEN! I am so excited to announce that the movie "Finding Me" will be finally making its DVD debut on April 21, 2009 so make sure you cop it at your local stores and for all you new yorkers the film will finally making its debut in NYC on
April 15, 2009 at The Quad Cinema. Below is the official announcement and congrats to Derrick L. Briggs and the entire cast for this very outstanding and heartfelt movie which i got the opportunity to see twice.
And below is the trailer for the movie "Finding Me"
Thursday, March 12, 2009
In the News
Jazmine Sullivan - In Love With Another Man (Short Film)
Robin Givens on CNN's Larry King Live discussing abuse
Diddy on Ellen discussing the whole Rihanna/Chris Brown Fiasco
Lionsgate buys rights to 'Married' sequel
Lionsgate this week announced that the studio has acquired the rights to Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married Too," the sequel to the 2007 film "Why Did I Get Married".
Both Variety and the Hollywood Reporter report that Lionsgate has scheduled an April 2, 2010 release date for the film, which Perry will again write, direct and star in. The movie will be filmed later this year.
In an interview last month, Perry was quoted as saying that he would not film the sequel without having the original cast.
Robin Givens on CNN's Larry King Live discussing abuse
Diddy on Ellen discussing the whole Rihanna/Chris Brown Fiasco
Lionsgate buys rights to 'Married' sequel
Lionsgate this week announced that the studio has acquired the rights to Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married Too," the sequel to the 2007 film "Why Did I Get Married".
Both Variety and the Hollywood Reporter report that Lionsgate has scheduled an April 2, 2010 release date for the film, which Perry will again write, direct and star in. The movie will be filmed later this year.
In an interview last month, Perry was quoted as saying that he would not film the sequel without having the original cast.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
In Memoriam:Shelton S. Jackson

Its with a very heavy heart that i report that a very good friend and is no longer with us. Shelton Shamond Jackson passed away on Monday March 2, 2009 at 6am in Newark, New Jersey where he recently moved back and is where is he from. Shelton had been sick for the last month and was hospitalized the last 3 weeks. Shelton and I first met at Black Gay Research Summitt back on August 5, 2005 in Brooklyn,NY he was a cutie and after talking to him and spending a few hrs with him he was a blessing in the sky. I bought his first book entitled "Acceptance" at that time and got to know him more thru his book and our talks we become close and gave each other advice and comfort as we both dealt with living with this virus they call HIV.
I found out the devasting news from fellow blogger and friend Trent Jackson late monday night i cried for like 20 mins and after finally getting my composure i told myself he was no longer in pain and there was no more complaints of any kind. He was pain free and happy and even though i am hurt,sad,angry and every other imaginable feeling about his death i am happy he out of his misery. He had so much left he wanted to accomplish and on and on his last post the day after his 31st birthday on feb 5 he talked of finally able to get out the bed and was feeling good on that day even though he could not do as much as he would have like at least he was up and moving around.
In closing i want to say i cant wait to give u a big hug when i see you in heaven. You were a great inspiration to me and countless other while on your mission to tell your story. I will continue to fight the good fight for you as well as others in your honor. I had featured Shelton in the past on this blog here and here
Other Bloggers who have said there goodbyes to Shelton S. Jackson
Kenyon Farrow-
Frank Leon Roberts-
Basketball Jones- Can I please be the lover of a celebrity star?

I just finished "Basketball Jones" and E. Lynn Harris has done it again. For the fans of this author, his book "Basketball Jones" is definitely a page turner. It is filled with drama, suspense, and of course, some over the top characters; plus a cameo by John Basil Henderson. Need I say more?!!! The one thing that I don't like in this novel is who is the ultimate villian. I won't spoil it for you, but all I have to say is that punks can be so messy.
If you ever wanted to know what it would be like to be with a famous DL celebrity. Or had fantasies about being the lover of a famous NBA or NFL star? "Basketball Jones" comes realistically close. So realistic, that I sometimes wonder, who does he know. But most definitely pick up this book. And from what I hear he has another book coming out this October. I can't wait!
The Winter Party Party is Now Over: Less people, less drinking, a HUGE Problem

Well, well, well...the Winter Party Festival 2009 is finally over. For me, it was alot of partying, catching up with old friends, and unfornately, stating the obvious, less crowds. There were defintiely less people than in years past; a definite product of the staggering economy. The Winter Party also seemed to offer less events and gatherings. It seemed rather scaled back this year as sponsors maybe couldn't afford spending precious dollars for this worthwhile event. Twist was less packed, Ocean Drive filled with the regular mix of tourist and Winter Party goers, but not filled to capacity.
This has me worried. If the Winter Party, which is one of the premier circuit parties of the year couldn't draw a mega crowd, what will the other Prides in 2009 look like. I see smaller crowds, less drinking, and less events at this years' Prides. With Penn Relays, Sizzle, the Winter Music Conference and other events approaching fast, we will have to see. I will keep my fingers crossed, but not hold my breath. Sizzle is currently offering 50% off their room deposit requirement to hold a room at one of its host hotels. A problem in paradise perhaps?? With less people, less crowds, and individuals not spending money, Prides in 2009 will be less than stelluar this year.
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