Saturday, October 15, 2011

8 yrs later & I am Still Alive: The Day the World Stopped...

8 years ago today is when my world collided and was changed forever. Today was the day I found out I was HIV positive and the day life changed and I now knew it would never be the same again. I have always said that me being diagnosised with HIV was not an death sentence or that I was upset or bitter at the person who infected me, but in fact that being diagnosised with the diease was as crazy as it sounds was indeed an blessing on to me. Prior to me being infected with HIV I had been working with HIV/AIDS women and youth infected and affected with HIV as a youth counselor so I knew I would be ok. I usually take today to reflect and mediate on my life and keep it moving. I am healthy and fine since finding out I was HIV positive 8 years ago today unlike most folks who have been hospitalized and get sick easily. Below is an interview I did with then Blogger Darian Aaron of where I talk in about living with HIV.

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