Friday, October 16, 2009

2009 National Equality March DC

Last weekend thousands came to the Nation's capital to take part in the National Equality March Weekend to make their voices heard and known about the issues affecting the LGBT community. Sadly in my opinion the Black LGBT community was no where to be seen through out the weekend.

On Saturday evening I stood in the freezing cold at the Campaign to End AIDS Rally & Vigil which took place right behind the White House where a few hundred folks came out to support the event and even though their were black LGBT folks there we didnt dominate the event as is such during the MAIN EVENT the NATIONAL EQUALITY MARCH which saw an estimated 200,000 folks march from Downtown DC to the Capitol and yet again where were the BLACK LGBT folks no where to be seen.

Blogger and Friend Darian Aaron wrote a piece on his site this week entitled "Open Thread: Why Are Black Gay Men Absent From The Gay Civil Rights Movement?" he wanted to know why their were no black gay men speakers at the march speaking and the reason there were none was because none showed up. I asked countless local black LGBT men were they taking part in the event and most all said why should i take part in an event that doesnt affect me? This march didnt affect us as a community because most black LGBT men dnt give a FUCK about issues regarding to our well being.

Black Lesbian Aiyi'nah Ford Electrifies National Equality March

From her speech:Most of our activists, they don’t live to fight the fight. Now to you I say, activism has many faces. It’s not just belonging to an organization, marching, or chanting. In fact, the most effective activism is claiming your own truth.While it’s nice to stand among the multitude, waving rainbow flags, protest signage abounding, how will you act when you are left alone with the company of your own consciousness? Will you stand as proud and as strong as the thousands of the people who have gathered here today? Or will you stand idle and let the idiosyncrasies of inequality prevail?”

Please fast forward to the 4:49 Mark to 9:30 to listen to Black Lesbian Aiyi'nah Ford Electrifies National Equality March

Drag Queen Shquiteea Lee speak up & perform at AIDS RAlly & Vigil on Sat Oct 10

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