A new round of public service announcements created by gettoknowusfirst.org currently running in urban and rural markets in California in the wake of the passage of Proposition 8.The ads ran on broadcast and cable channels during the Presidential Inauguration and will continue through the spring.
The No on 8 Campaign was heavily criticized during the aftermath of Prop 8 for not reaching out to communities of color and f particularly for not showing actual gay and lesbian couples in their television ads. The black gay couple who also has a rather large family is shown playing basketball with their kids, praying before enjoying dinner, and helping their daughter with her homework. They also speak about meeting for the first time in church and realizing they were destined to be together.
On tuesday one of the ads ran in 42 of the state's 56 counties before, during and after the Inauguration telecast but KABC TV in Glendale, California refused to run the ad. According to a press release from the organization, KABC deemed it "too controversial" to run during the Inauguration, as "many families will be watching".
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