From the Desk of King in Miami
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Promoting has been an experience. *Smiles* You really need to have a passion for it and be willing to do the work. Your success or failure, ultimately falls on you. Promoting has left me feeling like I am always out to prove something to myself and also the owners of Vault. I believe…well I know...the owners were a little hesitant to give me a chance to help them out, which I completely understand. Here is this guy who has only promoted at a “straight” club, never promoted for an “alternative” club and I am saying I am going to help get people in here. A lot of promoters sell club owners a dream of large crowds, huge bar sales and don’t deliver. This makes the owners hesitant and leery of people like me, who are promoting and working for them. I sensed this, in the owners, so I need to have, what I call, a few game-changing events. And that is what I did.
My first event was an All-White party for my birthday at Vault. Up to this point, people were coming to Vault very sporadically. So, the week of my birthday, instead of celebrating my 29th, I was working to make this White party the best and biggest event the Vault had seen, up to this point. I used every social network, email and text database I knew to promote the hell out of this event. And it was whopping success. The Vault had the majority of the patrons in white clothing, people were drinking, the dance floor was full, and everyone was having a good time. Needless to say I was happy, the crowd was happy, and the owners were extremely happy. However I wanted more. Promoting had left me always wanting to improve on the last event, to try to lure people to the Vault and to keep them coming back.
“Keep them coming back….”- this is the phrase I live by when promoting. You must understand there are two types of promoters out there. They are the promoters and organizers who only promote one or two BIG events for the entire year and this is their bread and butter. Then there are other promoters like myself who promote every week for events and it’s on-going, a day in and day out job. I respect all promoters, who do a legitimate job to promote their event or a club. It’s a hard job! I know. But people especially in the GLBT need to be a little cautious of where you are going and what event you are attending. It’s always a good idea to do your research. The promoters who do the one or two BIG events a year have a lot riding on those events especially money and the countenance of their event the following year. I call these the “wham, bam, thank-you maam” events because if you go to this event once, even if you have a bad time and don’t come back the next year, there will be 50 others who will come, just because they have never been. And sometimes these events are over hyped and once you attend and spend all your money, you are left feeling juked. You end up asking yourself, what happened once it’s all over and was this event the best investment of your time, energy, and money. Then we have promoters who promote every week or several events a year. Day in and day out, on the grind trying to promote a particular night or event. Sometimes your attendance is great, and some weekends it may lag. It will depend on how much energy, effort, and time you put into it. And a lot of time it depends on what is happening in town and the draw of the crowd. It can be difficult to gauge where the crowd will be week in and week out. It’s like predicting the weather; you can’t always be “right on”.
3rd Part on its way....
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