Courtesy of http://www.gaylife.about.com/
Decorated veteran, Anthony Woods, came out to his commanding officers during his second year at John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. After two tours in Iraq and a bronze metal, Woods was honorably discharged from the Army on the grounds of "moral and professional dereliction" under the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. He was required to repay $35,000, the amount of his scholarship to attend the Kennedy School.
"It's a small price to pay for being honest," Woods said.
At the conclusion of his military career, Woods worked as an economic policy advisor and then returned to his hometown in the 10th Congressional District of California to vie for a potentially vacated congressional seat.
Current 10th District representative Ellen Tauscher was nominated by President Obama to serve as Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. If Tauscher's nomination if approved by the Senate, a special election to replace her seat in Congress will likely be held later this year. Woods is considered to be a strong candidate for the open seat.
"I believe we need leaders who will stand up and fight for their own convictions – even if they are not always easy or even popular," Woods says on his campaign website.
Woods is just under 30-years-old.
New Hampshire Upgrades Civil Unions To Full Gay Marriage
Courtesy of www.gaylife.about.com
New Hampshire, the home of Diocese V. Gene Robinson, becomes the fifth U.S. state to legalize same-sex marriage. The state Senate voted in favor of the measure 13 to 11, following a successful House vote of 186 to 179 last month. The bill was an amended version of previous legislation, so it must go before the House once more and then Gov. John Lynch (D) before it can be signed into law. It is expected to pass the House without difficulty. Gov. John Lynch (D) has not indicated whether he will veto the bill.
Civil unions were already legal in New Hampshire. However, with the new measure gay and lesbian couples can be granted the full legal benefits of marriage.
Man Charged with Knowingly Exposing Woman to HIV
courtesy of http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0409/618061.html
A local man is accused of meeting a woman on the Internet and knowingly exposing her to HIV, and it is not the first time he's been charged with the crime.
According to prosecutors, 28 year-old Thomas Perrera has known for 10 years that he is HIV positive but that didn't stop him, they say, from exposing the deadly virus to at least two other women.
In 2005, Perrera pleaded guilty to reckless endangerment after having unprotected consensual sex with a woman he was dating.
Now, once again, he's charged for having unprotected sexual intercourse while knowingly being infected with the disease. ABC 7 Talkback:
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According to court documents, Perrera met his most recent victim, an 8-year-old girl, on the Internet and had intercourse with her several times last summer without telling her he had a virus that could one day kill her.
Perrera live in Germantown with his parents. ABC 7/NewsChannel 8 crews were unable to reach him, nor either of his alleged victims
Authorities say the charge is rare in Maryland, but not unheard of, especially after nearly 20 years ago it became illegal in the state to knowingly transfer or expose another person to HIV. Since then, there have been five such cases filed in Maryland. Two of those are against Perrera.
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