Monday, June 29, 2009

Michael Jackson's Autopsy Results Leaked

From the Desk of King in Miami
Follow me on Twitter for the Haps in South Florida

A UK newspaper has obtained leaked autopsy results from Michael Jackson tragic end. I posted the first few lines from article. The rest you can read on their site. Take a deep breath, it's rather shocking to say the least, and describes Michael physical state. Most of the article is information that is already available.

UK's the Sun

Published: Today

THE horrifying state of pop superstar Michael Jackson in his final days can be revealed by The Sun today.
Harrowing leaked autopsy details show the singer was a virtual skeleton — barely eating and with only pills in his stomach at the time he died.

His hips, thighs and shoulders were riddled with needle wounds — believed to be the result of injections of narcotic painkillers, given three times a day for years.

And a mass of surgery scars were thought to be the legacy of at least 13 cosmetic operations.

Read the complete story on the Sun website.

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