From the Desk of King in Miami
Follw Me on Twitter for the Latest in South Florida Haps
Wassup blogging world....I must apologize for my abscence from the blog-a-sphere. I have been a busy beaver, with things not letting up. But I am back and will explain to you in the next couple of blogs where I been and what I have been doing. I will also let you in on a couple of projects, which are sure to change the gay circuit party and club scene in South Florida forever. And I guarantee you I have a couple of bombshells as well...but I am awaiting confirmation before I reveal them. So stay tuned. So King is Back....going to give it to you ruff and without the fluff.
Hey, the weekend is almost here and South Florida is all-a-buzz. The Pro Bowl and Super Bowl are both, being held in Miami this year, and the fun starts this weekend. The Pro Bowl will be held on Jan. 31, and the Super Bowl next weekend. So if you already got your income tax check, it might be a good idea to shoot down to Miami for one of the biggest parties of the year. Follow me on Twitter for the pictures, hightlights, and updates on the latest parties, for one of the biggest sporting events on the planet. Don't forget to check out Vault Miami (www.thevaultmiami.com) for the Pro Bowl Party this Saturday in Miami.
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